Precautions to be considered while standing, sitting and sleeping if you have Sacroiliitis.
In our previous post we had discussed about Sacroiliitis. Kindly check here for freshening memory on the same. Here, we will be discussing about the precautions in adopting various positions, as well as some stretches and exercises that might benefit, if you are suffering from Sacroiliitis. We highly recommend that these exercises must be learnt under the guidance a skilled physical therapist before you try to perform them on your own. This will prevent any undue damage that might happen due to wrong techniques, if adopted.
Standing for extended periods of time can make the Si joint pain get worse. But good standing posture can help one in keeping the spine aligned and thus reduce the pain. Take a break every 30 minutes.
Keep a slight bend in your knees.
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
Distribute your weight equally between your feet.
Turn your toes out slightly.
Pull in your abdomen.
Take frequent breaks from standing.
Care must be taken not to stress the Si ligament while sitting. Hips must be kept neutral and must be at level with each other and any rotation to one side must be avoided. Crossing legs can hike one hip higher than the other . This can create asymmetry. Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes
Sit with your chest up and your shoulder blades down and relaxed.
Keep your knees slightly apart and uncrossed.. Think about keeping both your “sit bones” in contact with your chair and the tops of your hips level.
If your chair doesn’t support your lower back, put a pad or cushion behind your lower back
An alternative position is to adopt the tailor’s position, thereby keeping the pelvis neutral and reduce stress on the ligament of SI joint. Hips must be kept in symmetry.
Tailor's position
Sit on the floor or another firm surface with your sit bones firmly on the floor.
Cross your legs so that each of your feet is underneath your thighs.
Keep your chest up and your shoulders relaxed.
Use of a standing desk
If sitting bothers, one may alternate between sitting and standing and use a standing desk to work by setting it up in the following way:
Adjust your desk so that the surface is at elbow height.
Stand with your screen about 20 to 28 inches from your face and adjust your monitor so that your eyes are facing the top of your screen.
Tilt your screen upward about 20 degrees.
Avoid sleeping on stomach as it puts more stress on the spine. If you do sleep on your stomach, try putting a pillow beneath your lower abdomen.
If SI joint pain is only on one side, you may sleep on your opposite side to take your weight off the affected joint. Place a pillow between both thighs.
Sleep on your back with one or two pillows under your knees to put your hips in a neutral posture.
Exercises and stretches to relieve Si joint pain.
Seated backbend to reduce low back stiffness
Sit on the edge of your chair with your hands on your lower back and feet flat on the floor.
Push against your lower back and inhale.
Slowly exhale as you arch your spine and look toward the ceiling.
Repeat this up to five times.
Seated cat-cow exercise to strengthen core and back muscles.
Plant your feet on the floor with your knees at 90 degrees.
Put your palms against your thighs with your fingers pointing toward each other.
Take a deep breath and slowly exhale.
As you exhale, arch your spine and look toward the ceiling.
Inhale again as you roll your shoulders forward and think about bringing your belly button toward your spine.
As you exhale again, reverse the motion.
Repeat this up to five times.
Torso stretch to mobilize spine
Put your feet on the ground and rest your right hand on the back of your chair.
Turn your body toward your arm and hold for up to 30 seconds.
Repeat on the other side.
Seated leg raise
Sit tall at the edge of your chair with your feet flat on the ground.
Lift your left foot a few inches off the ground and hold it for 10 seconds.
Lower your foot and repeat on the other side.
Seated Hamstring stretch to release tight hamstring.
Sit tall at the edge of your chair with both heels on the ground and your toes facing up.
Reach forward toward your feet until you feel a gentle stretch in the backs of your legs.
Hold the position for up to 30 seconds.
Hip adductor stretch
Lie down on your back
Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
Spread your knees apart carefully to stretch your inner-thigh muscles.
Hold for 15-30 seconds
Repeat three times.
Glute exercises
Lie down on your stomach
Keep legs straight
Squeeze your buttock muscles together and hold for five seconds, then relax for another 5 seconds.
Do two sets of 15.
Lower trunk rotation
Lie down on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Tighten your stomach and push your lower back into the floor.
While keeping your shoulders down flat, gently rotate your legs to one side as far as you can, then do this to the other side.
Repeat 10 to 20 times.
One knee to chest stretch
Lie on your back, legs straight out in front.
Bring one knee up to your chest and grasp the back of your thigh.
Then, pull the knee toward your chest to stretch your buttock muscle. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, then return to your original position.
Repeat three times on each side.
Both knees to chest stretch
Lie down on your back, knees bent and feet flat.
Tighten up your stomach muscles and push your lower back into the floor.
Next, pull both knees to your chest and hold for five seconds, then relax for five seconds.
Repeat this 10 to 20 times.
Back bridge stretch
Lie on your back, knees bent, arms against the body and palms against the floor. Squeeze your buttocks and raise your hips off the ground to bring your body into a straight line.
Hold for five seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the ground again.
Repeat eight-10 times.
Quad stretches
Plant your feet an arm’s length away from the wall with your injured side placed farther from the wall.
Face forward, keeping yourself steady by putting one hand against the wall.
Take your other hand, grab your injured-side ankle, pulling your heel toward your rear end.
Keep your knees together, and be careful not to arch or twist your back, to prevent causing additional injury,
Grasp the ankle on your injured side and pull your heel toward your buttocks. Hold for 15-30 seconds.
Activities to be avoided
Try to minimize or stay away from the following activities:
Abdominal crunches
Biking for extended periods
At Valley healing hands, Brownsville, Texas, we provide the best Physical Therapy for Sacroiliitis and low back pain. Our highly skilled therapists will teach you all the exercises and precautions and assist you throughout you treatment regime. Our patients are totally satisfied with our services. You may learn about what they have to say about us here and also get connected to us here. Our patients love us, you too will!!!