
The word Sesamoid is derived from the Latin word "Sesamum" which means sesame seeds. Sesamoid bones are bones that are very small in size.
Sesamoiditis is a chronic injury caused by frequent pressure which results in irritation and painful inflammation of the surrounding tissues. It is common in the ball of the foot and tendons where they are embedded in.
These bones are embedded in tendons or where tendons are sharply angled over a bony surface. They are commonly found in the tendons of hands, knees and feet
They act as a fulcrum and increases the angle of force and improves the efficiency of the muscle and tendon and stabilizes the bone.
It provides protection of tendons from stress and wear and helps in shock absorption ins joint and tendons.
Patella or knee cap is an example of a sesamoid bone. It is the largest sesamoid bone.

Damage to sesamoid bone
Deformation of joint
Use of high heels/Boot marching
Arch deformities
Increase in body weight or training load
Running on forefoot
Bigger sesamoid bones have high risk
High impact sports like running, gymnastics, volleyball.

Dull aching or sharp throbbing pain
Limited joint movement due to pain
Conservative management
Surgical management
Physical therapy Management (before surgery)
Soft shock absorbing soles to relieve the pressure off the sesamoid bone.
Moist heat
Soft tissue mobilization
Immobilization by padding, strapping and taping
Physical therapy Management (after surgery)
Immobilization with cast
Mobility exercises after 4 to 6 weeks
Active strengthening exercises.
At Valley Healing Hands, Brownsville, Texas, we provide the best physical therapy treatment for Sesamoiditis. We have highly qualified physical therapists who will be happy to help you with their expertise. Our patients are very happy and satisfied with our services. You can find what they have to say about us here and get connected to us as well. Our patients love us, you too will!